Michael Purdy of BajaPPG is hosting 7 Days on Mexico's beautiful Baja Peninsula, just 2 hours south of San Diego. For $1195 you get food, lodging and Paramotor provided in fly-all-day beach conditions. Paramotors are shared (5 paramotors for up to 10 guests). Try different units and wings. Jeff Goin is doing a clinic based on his "Master Powered Paragliding" video series.
It's at It's at
162 Puerto Acapulco
La Salinas, Baja California, Mexico.
The clinic is not strongly structured, and is geared towards advanced topics. Mostly, it's fun flying with training as desired.
This is the first in a series of clinics. See
http://www.bajappg.com/paramotor-masters-series.html for more information.